Past talks

O Essencial de Marx e Engels

Lançamento de O ESSENCIAL DE MARX E ENGELS. Conversa com Ivana Jinkings, José Paulo Netto, Lincoln Secco, Marcello Musto, Pedro Davoglio e Virgínia Fontes

Past talks

Grande Conferência A guerra e a Esquerda

Past talks

Minicurso “Novos Rostos de Marx”

O Instituto de Estudos Avançados Transdisciplinares (IEAT) da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais tem o prazer de convidar a todas e todos para o Minicurso “Novos Rostos de Marx”, a ser ministrado pelo professor Marcello Musto.

Datas e Horários:

Aula 1: 13 de novembro – A crítica do jovem Marx
Bibliografia: Repensar Marx e os marxismos, Boitempo, 2022, pp. 21-99.

Aula 2: 19 de novembro – A gênese do Capital
Bibliografia: Repensar Marx e os marxismos, Boitempo, 2022, pp. 101-129; Karl Marx: biografia intelectual e política, Expressão Popular, 2023, pp. 28-61, 85-124.

Aula 3: 27 de novembro – Marx militante político da Primeira Internacional
Bibliografia: Trabalhadores, uni-vos!, Boitempo, 2014, pp. 103-112, 139-164, 191-221, 291-324.

Aula 4: 4 de dezembro – As investigações do último Marx
Bibliografia: O velho Marx, Boitempo, 2018.

Past talks

Marx’s Historical Materialism: From the “1857 Introduction” to the Latest Research

On which theoretical basis to build the critique of bourgeois society? This consideration led Marx to go more deeply into problems of method, when he started to write Capital, and to formulate the guiding principles for his research. The upshot was one of the most extensively debated manuscripts in the whole of his oeuvre: the so-called ‘Introduction’ of 1857. This text contains the most extensive and detailed pronouncement that Marx ever made on epistemological questions and is essential to understand his conception of historical materialism beyond his early writings. In this lecture, Professor Musto will start with the analysis of this topical text and will continue to analyse Marx’s historical materialism in light of his latest research made between 1879 and 1882. Usually focused only on the analysis of The German Ideology and of the so-called “young Marx”, this lecture will play more attention to the mature elaboration of Marx and on the theoretical implications for us today.

Past talks

Marx’s Last Theoretical Studies and Political Interventions: 1877-1883

Past talks

A Esquerda e a Guerra

Past talks

A Esquerda e a Guerra

Past talks

Apresentação do livro “O Renascimento de Marx”

Past talks

O Renascimento de Marx

Past talks

A guerra e a esquerda: Reconstrução de uma história conturbada

Past talks

El último Marx sobre el sur-global

Comentários de: Leda Paulani, Ruy Braga e Douglas Rodrigues Barros.

Mediação: Jean Tible

Past talks

Marx’s View of the Global South

Dalam buku Marx Biografi Intelektual dan Politik Marcello Musto membahas bagaimana pemikiran Marx kembali mendapatkan perhatian dan relevansinya dalam diskusi intelektual dan politik sekarang ini. Gagasan-gagasannya tetap menjadi sumber inspirasi dan kritik terhadap sistem kapitalisme dan ketidaksetaraan sosial. Bagaimana gerakan sosial, ekonomi, dan politik menghidupkan kembali minat terhadap pemikiran Marx dan terus berkembang dari masa ke masa?

Past talks

Marx: Biografi Intelektual Dan Politik

Bagaimana gerakan sosial, ekonomi, dan politik menghidupkan kembali minat terhadap pemikiran Marx dan terus berkembang dari masa ke masa?
Ikuti bincang-bincang ‘𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐱’ bersama Marcello Musto yang akan dimoderatori oleh Muchtar Habibi .