Past talks

Marx’s Last Theoretical Studies and Political Interventions: 1877-1883

Past talks

A Esquerda e a Guerra

Past talks

A Esquerda e a Guerra

Past talks

Apresentação do livro “O Renascimento de Marx”

Past talks

O Renascimento de Marx

Past talks

A guerra e a esquerda: Reconstrução de uma história conturbada

Past talks

El último Marx sobre el sur-global

Comentários de: Leda Paulani, Ruy Braga e Douglas Rodrigues Barros.

Mediação: Jean Tible

Past talks

Marx’s View of the Global South

Dalam buku Marx Biografi Intelektual dan Politik Marcello Musto membahas bagaimana pemikiran Marx kembali mendapatkan perhatian dan relevansinya dalam diskusi intelektual dan politik sekarang ini. Gagasan-gagasannya tetap menjadi sumber inspirasi dan kritik terhadap sistem kapitalisme dan ketidaksetaraan sosial. Bagaimana gerakan sosial, ekonomi, dan politik menghidupkan kembali minat terhadap pemikiran Marx dan terus berkembang dari masa ke masa?

Past talks

Marx: Biografi Intelektual Dan Politik

Bagaimana gerakan sosial, ekonomi, dan politik menghidupkan kembali minat terhadap pemikiran Marx dan terus berkembang dari masa ke masa?
Ikuti bincang-bincang ‘𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐱’ bersama Marcello Musto yang akan dimoderatori oleh Muchtar Habibi .

Past talks

Marx’s View of the Global South

Sempat disebut usang dan sudah tak relevan seiring dengan bubarnya Uni Soviet, pemikiran Karl Marx nyatanya kian mendapat pembuktiannya dengan semakin kencangnya laju krisis demi krisis kapitalisme global pada abad ke-21.

Past talks

La idea de comunisme

Les seves de Marx anotacions sobre el comunisme no s’han de considerar el model marxista al qual cal adherir-se dogmàticament, ni menys encara les solucions que, segons Marx, haurien d’haver-se aplicat, indistintament, en indrets i èpoques diferents. Aquests passatges, però, constitueixen un (conspicu i inestimable) tresor teòric, encara avui útil, per repensar l’alternativa al capitalisme.

Past talks

Sociedades precapitalistas, colonialismo y países no europeos: Las investigaciones del Marx tardío

En los últimos años de su vida, Karl Marx extendió su investigación a nuevas disciplinas, conflictos políticos, cuestiones teóricas y áreas geográficas. Marx estudió los recientes descubrimientos antropológicos, analizó las formas comunales de propiedad en las sociedades precapitalistas, apoyó la lucha del movimiento de los naródniki en Rusia, expresó críticas a la opresión colonial en India, Irlanda, Argelia y Egipto, y viajó más allá de Europa por primera y única vez.

Past talks

New Profiles of Marx after the Marx-Engels-Gesamtausgabe (MEGA2)

Of particular value for a re-evaluation of Marx’s achievement was the resumed publication in 1998 of the Marx-Engels-Gesamtausgabe (MEGA²), the historical-critical edition of the complete works of Marx and Friedrich Engels. Twenty-eight more volumes have already appeared (forty were published between 1975 and 1989), and others are in the course of preparation. The MEGA² is organized in four sections: (1) all the works, articles and drafts written by Marx and Engels (with the exception of Capital); (2) Capital and all its preparatory materials; (3) the correspondence – consisting of 4.000 letters by Marx and Engels and 10.000 written to them by others, a large number published for the first time in the MEGA²; and (4) the excerpts, annotations and marginal notes. This fourth section bears witness to Marx’s truly encyclopaedic labours: ever since his time at university, it was his habit to compile extracts from the books he read, often interspersing them with reflections that they suggested to him. Marx’s literary bequest contains some two hundred notebooks. They are essential for an understanding of the genesis of his theory and of those elements he was unable to develop as he would have wished.

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