The Marx renaissance is underway on a global scale. Wherever the critique of capitalism re-emerges, there is an intellectual and political demand for new, critical engagements with Marxism.
Marx, Engels, and Marxisms is a peer-reviewed series that publishes monographs, edited volumes, critical editions, as well as translations of books already published in other languages. This series bring together reflections on Marx and Marxisms from perspectives that are varied in terms of political outlook, geographical areas, academic disciplines, and subject-matter, thus challenging many preconceptions as to what Marxist thought can be like, as opposed to what it has been. The series appeal internationally to intellectual communities that are increasingly interested in rediscovering the most powerful critical analysis of capitalism: Marxism. Authors and editors in this series are producing overall an eclectic and stimulating yet synoptic and informative vision that will draw a very wide and diverse audience. This collection of books will embrace a much wider range of scholarly interests and academic approaches than any previous ‘family’ of books in the area.
The main areas of focus of this book series include: 1) the oeuvre of Marx and Engels, 2) Marxist authors and traditions of the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries, 3) labour and social movements, 4) Marxist analyses of contemporary issues, and 5) the reception of Marxism in the world.
The series will include titles focusing on the oeuvre of Marx and Engels which utilize the scholarly achievements of the on-going Marx-Engels Gesamtausgabe, a project that has strongly revivified the research on these two authors in the past decade. Moreover, our volumes awake readers to the overarching issues and world-changing encounters that shelter within the broad categorisation “Marxist”. Particular attention will be given to authors such as Antonio Gramsci and Rosa Luxemburg, who are very popular and widely translated nowadays all over the world, but also to authors who are less known in the English-speaking countries, such as Jules Guesde, Raya Dunayevskaya and Bhimrao Ambedkar.
Another main aim of this series is to publish books focused on reception studies and Marxist national traditions. Political projects have necessarily required oversimplifications in the 20th century, and Marx and Engels have found themselves “made over” numerous times and in quite contradictory ways. Taking a national perspective on reception will be a global revelation and the volumes of this series will enable the worldwide Anglophone community to understand the variety of intellectual and political traditions through which Marx and Engels have been received in local contexts.
Marcello Musto (York University, Canada)
Francesca Antonini (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice)
Shannon Brincat, Dialectical Dialogues in Contemporary World Politics, forthcoming 2022.
Xavier Vigna, A Political History of Factories in France: The Workers’ Insubordination of 1968, forthcoming 2022.
Joe Collins, Applying Marx’s Capital to the 21st Century, forthcoming 2022.
Marie-Cecil Bouji, A Political History of the Publishing Houses on the French Communist Party, forthcoming 2022.
Eric Aunoble, French Views on the Russian Revolution, forthcoming 2022.
Tomonaga Tairako, Reification and History: A New Perspective on Marx’s Philosophy and Political Economy, forthcoming 2022.
Martin Cortés, Marxism, Time and Politics: On the Autonomy of the Political, forthcoming 2022.
Salvatore Prinzi, The Political Philosophy of Merleau-Ponty and Castoriadias, forthcoming 2023.
Seongjin Jeong, Korean Capitalism in the 21st Century: Marxist Analysis and Alternatives, forthcoming 2023.
George Comninel, The Feudal Foundations of Modern Europe , forthcoming 2023.
Spencer Leonard, Marx, the India Question, and the Crisis of Cosmopolitanism, forthcoming 2023.
Daniel Egan, Capitalism, War and Revolution: A Marxist Analysis, forthcoming 2023.
Francesca Antonini, Reassessing Marx’s Eighteenth Brumaire: Dictatorship, State, and Revolution, forthcoming 2023.
Emanuela Conversano, Capital from Afar: Anthropology and Critique of Political Economy in the Late Marx, forthcoming 2023.
Mauro Buccheri, Radical Humanism for the Left, forthcoming 2023.
Christoph Henning, Theories of Alienation: From Rousseau to the Present, forthcoming 2023.
Agon Hamza, Slavoj Žižek and the Reconstruction of Marxism, forthcoming 2023.
David Norman Smith, Marx’s Unfinished Theory of the Working Class, Volume I, forthcoming 2023.
David Norman Smith, Marx’s Unfinished Theory of the Working Class, Volume II, forthcoming 2024.
Eduardo Albuquerque, Marxian Economics for the 21st Century, forthcoming 2024.
Mario Tronti, The Demon of Politics
Frank Jacob, The Covid-19 Pandemic
Raquel Varela, History of the Portuguese Communist Party in the Carnation Revolution (1974-1975)